Types of styles in fashion: Guide to Finding Your Aesthetic

Types of styles in fashion

Fashion is a form of self-expression, creativity, and art. It can also be a way to communicate your personality, mood, and preferences. But with so many different types of styles in fashion out there, how do you find the one that suits you best? In this article, we will explore some of the most popular and different types of styles in fashion and give you some tips on how to identify and develop your aesthetic.

What is a Fashion Style?

A fashion style is a set of characteristics that define the way you dress, accessorize, and present yourself. It can include elements such as colors, patterns, fabrics, shapes, silhouettes, details, and themes. A fashion style can also reflect your influences, inspirations, values, and goals.

Some people have a clear and consistent fashion style that they stick to for most occasions. Others like to experiment with different styles depending on their mood, the season, or the event. There is no right or wrong way to have a fashion style, as long as it makes you feel comfortable and confident.

How to Find Your Fashion Style

Finding your fashion style can be a fun and rewarding process. It can help you express yourself better, enhance your appearance, and boost your self-esteem.

Here are some steps you can take to find your fashion style:

Assess your wardrobe

Take a look at the clothes you already own and see what you like and dislike about them. Which hues, designs, prints, fabrics, and shapes are you drawn to? What are the items that you wear the most and the least? What are the gaps or redundancies in your wardrobe?

Identify your influences

Think about the people, places, cultures, eras, or media that inspire you or resonate with you. Who are your fashion icons or role models? What are the places that you love to visit or dream of visiting? Which historical eras or contemporary movements fascinate you? What are the movies, shows, books, or music that you enjoy or relate to?

Research different styles

Explore the different types of styles in fashion that exist and see which ones appeal to you or match your preferences. You can use online resources such as blogs, magazines, social media, or websites to learn more about different styles. Additionally, you can look for inspiration in real life by observing people on the street, in stores, or at events.

Experiment with different looks

Try on different outfits and accessories that reflect different styles and see how they make you feel. You can mix and match items from your wardrobe or borrow them from friends or family. Additionally, you can browse shops or thrift stores in search of items that appeal to you. Don’t be afraid to try something new or different from your usual style.

Define your style

Once you have experimented with different looks, you can start to define your style by choosing the elements that suit you best. Additionally, you can name or describe your sense of style. For example, you can say that your style is minimalist chic, vintage glam, boho casual, or edgy rock.

Examples of Different types of styles in fashion

There are many different types of styles in fashion out there, and each one has its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Here are some examples of some of the most common and popular types of styles in fashion:


The classic style is timeless, elegant, and sophisticated. It features neutral colors, simple patterns, high-quality fabrics, and tailored shapes. The classic style is ideal for formal occasions or professional settings. Some examples of classic items are suits, trench coats, white shirts, pencil skirts, and pumps.


The casual style is relaxed, comfortable, and easy-going. It features bright colors, playful patterns, cozy fabrics, and loose shapes. The casual style is ideal for everyday wear or informal settings. Some examples of casual items are jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers, and backpacks.


The sporty style is active, functional, and practical. It features athletic colors, sporty patterns, breathable fabrics, and flexible shapes. The sporty style is ideal for physical activities or outdoor settings. Some examples of sporty items are leggings, sports bras, jackets, running shoes, and caps.


The glamorous style is flashy, luxurious, and extravagant. It features bold colors, sparkly patterns, rich fabrics, and dramatic shapes. The glamorous style is ideal for special occasions or festive settings. Some examples of glamorous items are dresses, sequins, fur, heels, and jewelry.


The bohemian style is free-spirited, creative, and eclectic. Moreover, it features earthy colors, ethnic patterns, natural fabrics, and flowy shapes. The bohemian style is ideal for artistic activities or exotic settings. For instance, some examples of bohemian items are maxi skirts, tunics, hats, sandals, and beads. Similarly, you can also accessorize your outfit with scarves, jewelry, or headbands.


Furthermore, the preppy style is classic, elegant, and sophisticated. It features bright colors, crisp patterns, tailored fabrics, and fitted shapes. The preppy style is ideal for expressing your professionalism or making a good impression. Some examples of preppy items are blazers, button-down shirts, skirts, loafers, and pearls. You can see some examples of preppy outfits in the images below.


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Moreover, these are just some of the many types of styles in fashion that you can explore and experiment with. Remember that your fashion style is not fixed or permanent; you can always change it or adapt it to different situations or preferences. The most important thing is to have fun with fashion and find your aesthetic.


What is the purpose of this article?

The purpose of this article is to help you find your fashion style by exploring some of the most popular and distinctive types of styles in fashion and giving you some tips on how to identify and develop your aesthetic.

How can I assess my wardrobe?

You can assess your wardrobe by looking at the clothes you already own and seeing what you like and dislike about them. Additionally, consider the hues, designs, materials, and forms you favor and the clothes you wear most frequently and least frequently.

How can I identify my influences?

You can identify your influences by thinking about the people, places, cultures, eras, or media that inspire you or resonate with you. You can also look for your fashion icons or role models, the places that you love to visit or dream of visiting, the historical periods or cultural movements that fascinate you or the movies, shows, books, or music that you enjoy or relate to.

How can I research different styles?

You can research different styles by using online resources such as blogs, magazines, social media, or websites to learn more about them. You can also look for inspiration in real life by observing people on the street, in stores, or at events.

How can I experiment with different looks?

You can experiment with different looks by trying on different outfits and accessories that reflect different styles and seeing how they make you feel. Alternatively, you can borrow them from friends or family or mix and match items from your wardrobe. Additionally, you can browse shops or thrift stores in search of items that appeal to you.

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